Digital Marketing Strategy Services

Digital marketing strategy enables brands to effectively reach their target audience online. This strategy is more measurable, flexible and cost-effective than traditional marketing methods.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses the processes of promoting and selling products and services using all platforms offered by the internet and digital devices. Unlike traditional advertising methods, digital marketing makes it possible to monitor and analyze the target audience in real time using communication channels and platforms.

Especially in recent years, with the development of technology and the internet becoming an indispensable part of our lives, digital marketing has become one of the most important marketing methods for brands. For example, it is stated that digital advertising spending worldwide will exceed 400 billion dollars in 2021.


What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is the roadmap that a brand follows to achieve its targeted results on online platforms. This strategy includes elements such as target audience analysis, content planning, ad budget distribution and conversion targets. The basis of a good digital marketing strategy is to strengthen the brand's online presence, gain a competitive advantage and increase sales. Examples of digital marketing strategies include preparing a social media content calendar, creating targeted email marketing campaigns or SEO optimization for a specific period.

WEBTURES Why Digital Marketing Strategy Matters

Digital marketing strategy encompasses the processes of planning, implementing and measuring a brand's online presence. A good digital marketing strategy enables a brand to reach its target audience more effectively, increase brand awareness and maximize sales.

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Surviving in a Competitive Market

Surviving in today's competitive market requires a strong and effective digital marketing strategy. More than 90% of consumers research online before buying a product or service. This demonstrates the potential for your digital presence to provide a competitive advantage.

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Accurate and Effective Access to Target Audience

A digital marketing strategy enables brands to get to know their target audience in more detail and produce content tailored to that audience. For example, content produced for young people between the ages of 18-24 will be different from content produced for adults between the ages of 35-44. Therefore, identifying the right target audience and producing customized content is one of the cornerstones of digital marketing strategy.

Increase Conversion Rates

A digital marketing strategy has the potential to convert interest in the products or services that brands offer online into sales. An effective digital marketing strategy can increase conversion rates by targeting consumers specifically.


Digital Marketing

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Creating a digital marketing strategy requires a step-by-step plan. Here are the basic steps of this plan:

Knowing and Analyzing the Target Audience

The first step for a brand is to know the target audience in detail. Demographics such as age, gender, location, interests, online behavior and consumption habits of the target audience should be analyzed. For example, a youth brand might target young people who are active on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, while a company offering a professional service might target professionals who are active on LinkedIn.

Setting Goals

Strategic planning aims to achieve specific and measurable objectives. Goals can generally be categorized as sales growth, brand awareness, customer loyalty, etc. According to a study conducted in 2022 in the field of digital marketing, 70% of brands set increasing conversion rates as their primary goal.

Choosing the Right Marketing Channels

The appropriate digital marketing channel for each brand is different. This choice should be based on target audience analysis and the goals set. For example, a fashion brand may prefer Instagram and Pinterest, where visual content is important, while a B2B company may prefer LinkedIn or email marketing.

Content and Campaign Creation

Content is king in digital marketing. Content presented to consumers increases the likelihood of them interacting with the brand. Therefore, quality and original content should be produced for the target audience. For example, a travel agency can create guides to popular routes, travel tips or campaigns offering discounted packages.

Strategic Monitoring and Optimization

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving and changing field. For this reason, the strategies implemented need to be regularly monitored and optimized where necessary. For example, by monitoring the open rates and click-through rates of an email campaign, optimizations can be made, such as changing the content or sending time.

Tools & Channels

Digital Marketing Tools and Channels

Digital marketing involves a wide range of tools and channels. These tools and channels enable brands to communicate effectively with their target audiences.

Social media is one of the most popular digital marketing channels where brands interact directly with their target audience. According to 2022 data, there are more than 4 billion active social media users worldwide. Therefore, brands being active on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn increases brand awareness and customer interaction.

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing tools for brands to communicate directly with their target audience. Especially email campaigns prepared with personalized content can increase conversion rates.

Search engine marketing (SEM) includes advertising campaigns, especially through Google Ads. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the work done to ensure that websites rank high in search engines. A good SEO strategy leads to increased organic traffic and therefore higher conversion rates.

Content marketing is based on producing informative content that adds value to the target audience. With content such as blog posts, infographics and e-books, brands can assume a position of authority and gain the trust of consumers.

Visual and video content is highly effective in attracting the attention of consumers. Especially videos shared on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo are an excellent tool for brands to promote their products and services. According to a 2021 study, 72% of consumers prefer to watch videos to get information about a product or service.

Use Measurement & Analysis Tools

Digital Marketing Measurement and Analytics

In order to measure the effectiveness of the digital marketing strategy and make the necessary optimizations, it is essential that the digital marketing specialist uses the right measurement and analysis tools.



Google Analytics and Web Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool for analyzing a website's user interactions in detail. With this tool, you can access critical information such as the demographics of website visitors, which pages they spend more time on, the channels through which they come to the site, and much more. For example, in 2021, an e-commerce site may have made the most sales through organic searches according to Google Analytics data.

Social Media Data

Social Media Analysis Tools

There are various tools available to analyze interactions on social media platforms. Thanks to these tools, data such as how effective the shared content is, which content receives more likes and shares can be accessed.



Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO refers to optimization efforts to increase conversion rates on a website or mobile application. Conversion rates can be improved through methods such as A/B tests, on-page surveys and user experience analysis.

  • Determining the Digital Marketing Budget

    The budget setting process depends on the objectives, target audience, marketing channels to be used and many other factors. For example, for a brand with a young target audience, social media ad spend can be a large part of the budget.

  • ROI - How to Calculate Return on Investment?

    ROI measures the return achieved relative to the cost of digital marketing activities. It is simply calculated with the formula (Return on Investment - Expenditure) / Expenditure. For example, if an advertising campaign of 10,000 TL generates 50,000 TL revenue, ROI is calculated as 400%.


Digital Marketing Trends

The world of digital marketing has become a field that is constantly evolving and changing with technological developments. Following and adapting to these changes closely is critical for brands to gain competitive advantage.

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Artificial Intelligence and Marketing Automation

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized digital marketing. AI applications that analyze customer behavior, offer personalized content recommendations and automatically optimize marketing campaigns increase brands' efficiency and reduce costs. For example, chatbots improve the user experience by providing automatic and fast responses in customer service.

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Targeting and Personalized Marketing

Consumers prefer content tailored specifically for them. Therefore, targeting and delivering personalized content based on demographic, geographic and behavioral data is one of the top digital marketing trends. For example, offering special discounts based on the products a consumer has looked at in the past can increase conversion rates.

Our Services in Digital Marketing Strategy

Take the wind out of the sails of data-driven value propositions, efficiency and product personalization through technology-enabled acceleration.
Content Marketing Services

Blog writing
Visual content and infographics
Video production
E-book and white paper reports

Email Marketing Services

Newsletter design
Automated email campaigns
A/B tests
Performance analysis

Digital Advertising Campaigns

Banner and video ad management
Target audience analysis
Retargeting campaigns

Digital Marketing Analytics and Reporting

Web analytics
Ad performance reporting
User experience analysis
Conversion optimization

Artificial Intelligence and Marketing Automation

Automated marketing campaigns
Segmentation and targeting
Customer journey analysis

Web Design and Usability Analysis

Website design and redesign
Speed optimization
Mobile compatibility

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Services

Keyword research
On-site optimization
Link building
Technical SEO
Local SEO

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Services

h3-Google Ads campaign management
Ad text and image preparation
Conversion tracking
A/B tests

Social Media Marketing Services

Social media account management
Creating advertising campaigns
Content planning and calendar
Engagement and community management

Digital Consulting and Training Services

Digital strategy creation
Training and workshops
Industry trend analysis

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing encompasses marketing activities carried out using the internet and digital devices, and these activities are among the foundations of digital marketing. Traditional marketing, on the other hand, is the advertising and promotional activities carried out through traditional media such as TV, radio and newspapers. Digital marketing is measurable, target-oriented and generally more cost-effective.

This depends on your business goals, your target audience and your budget. For example, if you aim to reach a young audience, social media marketing channels may be preferable. If you have a B2B business model, LinkedIn and email marketing may be more effective.

You should consider factors such as the agency's experience, references, scope of services and pricing. You should also pay attention to whether the agency offers solutions specific to your sector.

Digital marketing campaigns are evaluated by metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates and page views. Google Analytics, one of Google's digital marketing tools, is particularly valuable for measuring the effectiveness of campaigns.
