Online Reputation Management
Against the crises your brand may experience in the future, we monitor the signals that affect your brand on platforms where users interact with our artificial intelligence-supported software. When the crisis team is reported by our software, immediate action is taken. After the crisis, we inform the sector and your customers in detail to purify your brand from negative signals.

Why is Online Reputation Management Necessary?
For high-profile individuals and companies, your social profile is your most valuable asset. If you are a CEO, your search results will influence the decisions of potential customers. If you are a politician, your social profile is crucial in shaping the views of constituents. Webtures will help you restore and protect the online reputation you have worked so hard to build.
If you are facing a negative review, an unfavorable judgment, a crisis, or just want to prevent the unexpected, seeking help from a professional online reputation editing team is the most effective option for you. Check your social impression and search results. We tailor your profile to your specific goals.
Learn more about why reputation management is so valuable, what you can do to improve it, and steps you can take to protect your reputation now and in the future by browsing the resources.
Why is it effective for the results to go down?
Did you know that 75% of users never go past page one? 6% only go to page two or three.
The further negative results are pulled down, the less likely they are to be found. It is as simple as that.

What is Search Engine Reputation Management?
Most digital marketing references mention the online reputation management industry and the companies in the sector that offer a variety of services such as social media auditing, community management and influencer communications. Often search engine reputation management is confused with online reputation management or lumped into the same category.
Why Your Online Reputation Matters
Your reputation is more important than ever in today's digital world, where a negative search result can dramatically change the external view of you or your brand.

When Does Your Online Reputation Matter?
There are certain times when your online reputation is important and a certain amount of effort is required to maintain it. A good reputation can be needed at any time. Here are some moments when a good reputation is very important:
- Business Agreements
- Business Partnership Development
- Working for Public Office
- Customers Looking at Your Business Reviews
- Attracting New Customers
- Comparison Shopping
- Applying to University
- Starting a Business
- Job Search
- Requesting a Rank/Pay Raise
- Connecting with Colleagues
- Network
- Interview
Online Reputation Issues Can Harm Job Seekers
92% of US companies select and hire candidates online. 34% of applicants do not get the job because of online reputation problems. Facebook is a preferred recruiting tool for 82% of colleges, and colleges research potential students online. Much of the information on the internet is a snapshot of people's lives, but some of it can be unexpected.
For purposes such as networking or attracting new customers, this tool is built on a more permanent foundation. So, no matter what kind of life you lead, it is important to ensure that your online reputation is positive.

Your Online Registration is Permanent (i.e. Forever)
It doesn't matter if you don't have an urgent need for a positive online reputation. One day you will need it. That's why it's important to be careful about the information you include and what you leave for others to find.
As the internet moves at a rapid pace, it is incredibly slow to forget information. News from 10 years ago or an unfair photo can appear on the first page of your Google results if it is important to the search engine. There are also tools that create almost entirely permanent content on the internet. With caching and the Wayback Machine, content that has ever been posted online is saved and can be quickly retrieved if someone searches for it.
Your social media content can be searchable, which means you can use these features in a positive way if you focus on the benefits rather than the drawbacks. By preventing, responding and building a positive online reputation, you can remove obstacles in your way.
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Online Reputation Management
Reputation management is more than managing the top ten Google results. There are countless ways for a brand or person’s online image to be tarnished.
How to Manage Reputation Online?
Online reputation, which expresses the identity of brands in the digital world, is one of the concepts that need attention today. The digital world has its own rules. In order to exist, be strong and be respected in this world, it is necessary to do many different works. Online reputation management is also very important for brands as one of these studies. In the dynamic and fast virtual environment, news, comments and evaluations about the brand should be examined instantly. Bad comments that have the possibility of spreading to large masses in a short time negatively affect brand reputation. While answering the question of how to manage online reputation, we should review the digital factors that affect online reputation. We can list the digital factors affecting online reputation as follows:
- Comments on social media content
- Evaluations in online forums
- Internet news
- Scoring and analysis
- Questions and complaints
- User reviews
- Mentioning the brand or product in blogs
- Any digital sharing where the brand’s Adınız is mentioned
How to Manage Online Reputation Based on Data?
Data is very important in online reputation management. All opinions of users about the brand should be considered as digital data. Digital data is collected from social media and different channels of the internet. Mistakes made in content marketing can be seen thanks to this data. Bad comments, complaints or defamation of a shared content are revealed with this data. When we look at how online reputation management is done, we can say that it is based on current data. Online reputation can be supported with SEO and SEM studies. Efforts should be made to prevent negative comments. Users should not encounter complaints or problems when they search for products or services. Being active on social media is not enough. It is necessary to be in interaction and dialog. It is important to be in touch with customers and potential customers.
How to Manage Online Reputation Using Digital PR?
Following what is said about the brand in online channels supports PR activities. All news about the brand should be followed up to date. It is also important to announce the brand’s campaigns and events online. Good news about the brand should also be highlighted. Who says what about the brand should be followed instantly. You should be instantly aware of all developments about the company. All data should be evaluated to prevent even a single word that will damage the brand identity from taking place online. When we look at how to do online reputation management, we should also mention PR studies. New studies should be carried out every day to increase brand value and facilitate access to the brand.
Review Websites Are More Powerful Than You
Powerful reputation-busting sites like Ekşi Sözlük and Şikayet Var have thousands of pages of content and tend to rank very high in Google. So if you get a bad review on one of these sites, it's an uphill battle.
The Law and Google May Be on Your Side
Think you're trapped by horrible search engine results? Calm down. You can use online defamation law to have content removed that contains serious offenses, including false information, and you can get compensation for those who have damaged your reputation. Google can also help remove sensitive personal information from search results, but this is subject to a few special conditions. Certain members of the population, such as California citizens and those 18 and under, can also use online information deletion laws.
Bad Reputation Happens to Good People
You may have a poor online reputation through no fault of your own. A criminal may have the same name as you, or you may have gotten into a political argument. Or you may have been falsely accused of something. A business can have thousands of positive reviews or satisfied customers, but one or two negative reviews placed on a particular site can seriously damage its reputation. Factors like this are difficult to manage, but they can still affect your online reputation.
Your Online Reputation May Soon Affect Your Ability to Get Credit
Companies are turning to social media to make decisions about borrowers. It is primarily used to verify identity, but in some cases social media reputation is also considered when granting credit. Social media activity may soon be included in FICO scoring.
Can Share Content Related to Private Accounts
Be careful to lock your social media profiles securely so that you can feel comfortable talking about certain topics. Although you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, anyone who can view your private profile can save photos, take screenshots, copy text and share what they see.
Frequently Asked Questions About Online Reputation Management
Online reputation management is everything that appears online about you or your business. This includes websites, blog posts, social media and images. In practical terms, everything that appears about you in Google search results. If negative links appear, it is important to get them off the first page of search results. Having a good reputation shows that you are an expert in your field, which means business, which means more traffic and sales. A negative link about you could mean you lose existing and potential customers.
This is serious business. Don't believe anyone who promises you that it will work wonders overnight. Our clients start seeing positive results between 60 to 90 days.
You will probably get angry, upset and you will be tempted to write something negative in retaliation. Don't do this though, you will only make things worse. Instead, develop a strategy. Start by asking this question: Are you sure you are right? If you think you're right, address the incident and respond in a professional manner, but doing so may escalate the situation. Most importantly, try to write good content and be very active on social media. Over time, all this will push negative content about you down from the first page of Google search results.
No, no, no. There are companies that specialize in deleting content. This can be expensive, requires the intervention of a lawyer and in many cases is not successful.
The best way to do this is to use the language you speak well: write good information about yourself. Flooding the internet with excellent and original content works best and, over time, will also remove negative links from the first page of Google searches. While it is possible to remove negative links, images and content (see below), the best approach is to create targeted, effective and well-planned content, including blog posts, images and videos. However, the most important point is to develop a strategy that involves research and creating the best content and knowing which platforms to share it on.
Because the internet is the new generation of "first impressions", people don't ask for references, they just turn to Google. The first thing people do when they talk to you on the phone or meet you is probably to Google your name. One bad thing written about you can ruin your life and business pretty quickly. At the same time, not having a reputation drives your customers to your competitors.
There are many things that can damage a reputation. Someone can go out and write a negative blog post about you, which unfortunately is quite common. There are complaint sites like Complaint Var where people can write anonymous comments about a business or a person, and the impact is huge. There are also some creative ways to damage a reputation. An angry ex-customer or a fired employee will hijack your domain name to write bad things about you, such as "" and this will quickly appear on the first page of Google search pages. One last thing: what if you have the same name as someone with a bad reputation who is in the news? Even if you haven't done anything wrong, it can affect you unintentionally.
Obviously, if what you have written shows up at the top of Google search pages, it can affect you quite badly. You can spend a lot of time, effort and money to remove these bad effects. This will wear you down a lot.
It could be a former employee angry about being fired, a disgruntled customer unhappy with the results, or anyone having a bad day and wanting to take it out on someone else. But keep in mind that what is written about you may be valid, in which case, listen and put in the effort to fix the problem.
Hiding from the internet does not work. Not having an online presence only makes you vulnerable to attacks or problems. When something negative is written about you, it will automatically show up at the top, which is not good for you. For example, I had a client who had a financial advisory company that had a presence on the internet that was hit or miss, and they were losing business to competitors because they weren't showing up on the first page of Google searches. The benefits of having an online presence include protecting your name and brand, controlling your business identity and presenting your company in the best light. There is no practical way to do this, it takes hard work and good content.
A few keywords that triggered your negative results. We will conduct derivative research studies to discover all possible bad search results.
Yes and no. There are two parts to building a perfect reputation online:
Building a consistent, strong and unique brand to stand out. Making sure there are no bad search engine results that can ruin your hard work. Our service creates space for people like you to build their brand by suppressing negative search results.
To be honest, we don't accept everyone. Before we start, we do a free reputation analysis to see if we can help you.
The investment can cost - to put it quickly - a few thousand dollars a month, so you have to decide whether saving your business is worth it. Most people realize that repairing their reputation is a better solution than going out of business.
Hardly ever. Our reputation management service is designed for you to sit back and let us do the hard work.
Make sure you get your domain name and have a website, starting with a simple blog will do the trick. Also, create social media profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. and connect with other leaders and get them to share your tweets. Doing this will act as a buffer in case there is negative content on the first page of Google searches.
The best thing to do is to create a blog and start writing. Share industry news, conference updates, answers to frequently asked questions and other details that your customers and readers might be curious about. Also be active on social media. Boost your accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, image-based Pinterest and other industry-specific platforms and post frequently. Add your name to Wikipedia or school websites if you can.
Basically, yes. Once something hits the internet it's almost impossible to remove it all at once, but you can always try. Because about 92% of people don't go beyond the first page of searches, but pulling negative content down to pages one, two and three is as good as removing it.
This is a long-term process that usually takes about six months. Google is constantly changing its algorithms and there is no magic button that can make it happen, you just have to work hard.