Provided 163% Organic Traffic in 1 Year

Customer: Uyumsoft

Sector: Industry

Service: SEO

Uyumsoft SEO Process


First Page in Word


Organic Traffic Increase


Uyumsoft’s flagship was ERP, CRM and e-transformation applications. In most of these words, Uyumsoft was far behind its competitors and was not even ranked in the top 100 search results.

  • Our primary goal was to create the necessary on-site and off-site link fiction by producing content for sectoral words and to take place in the rankings.
  • Afterwards, by following the sectoral search trends, we aimed to create an advantage for ourselves in this field compared to competitors and to gain a permanent place in this ever-growing sector.
  • Reaching the first page in flagship keywords such as ERP and CRM


When we started working with Uyumsoft, SEO visibility was generally quite low compared to competitors. In order to compete with competitors in the sector on the organic side, it was necessary to reach the levels of competitors.

In this direction, we focused on identifying the keywords that competitors attract traffic and the search trends in this sector, where there are constantly growing ERP and e-transformation applications, and the words with a high search volume.

  • By monitoring the momentum of words with newly formed search volumes, we planned to produce content much faster than competitors.
  • We started to respond to users with the right answers to the question patterns that users use in their searches in the sector.
  • In 2015, the average monthly search volume of the word ERP was around 20,000. Within 1 year, we first reached 60,000 and then 90,000 levels, certifying the level of competition in the sector.
  • While we were not even ranked in ERP and e-transformation applications, we managed to rank high with the in-site and off-site link building, content for competitive words, user experience improvements we implemented.
  • After each algorithm update in the process, we have achieved a much faster momentum. This has always motivated us about the correctness of the processes we have done and the path we have followed.


  • As a result of the work carried out with Uyumsoft, one of the best companies in Turkey in ERP, CRM and e-transformation (e-invoice, e-ledger, e-archive) applications in accordance with the dynamics of the sector, we realised a 163% organic traffic increase at the end of 1 year.
  • In the case of SEO visibility, we achieved an acceleration of 819%.
  • Apart from organic works, we managed to make a Adınız for ourselves in the sector by being supported with various advertisement works planned by Uyumsoft.
    Organic works apart from organic works, we managed to make a Adınız for ourselves in the sector by being supported with various advertisement works planned by Uyumsoft.

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